By-Laws and Standing Rules ofFlorida Discovery SunshinersA chapter of the Approved: 3-31-2013
The name of this chapter shall be the FLORIDA DISCOVERY SUNSHINERS chapter of the Discovery Owners Association, Inc. The Chapter is formed as part of the Discovery Owners Association, Inc., a non-profit, volunteer organization.
ARTICLE IIThe purpose of the chapter is enjoying our Discovery coaches and discovering our friends. The Chapter primarily services Florida DOAI members, but membership is open to all DOAI members
ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP AND FEESSection 1. Any person or family who owns a Discovery Motor home and is a qualified member of the Discovery Owners Association Inc is eligible for membership in the Florida Discovery Sunshiners Chapter. Both Pilot and Co-pilot shall have membership and voting privileges. Section 2. The annual dues for the Florida Discovery Sunshiners Chapter shall be twelve dollars ($12.00) a year. A member joining after January, will pay a pro rated amount equal to one dollar ($1.00) per month for the remainder of the year. Dues are due to the Treasurer by the 15th day of January each year. These dues were recommended by the chapter officers and accepted by the founding chapter members. Section 3. Regular meetings or campouts of the chapter shall be held two or more times a year. The dates and times will be set by the Chapter officers. Section 4. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the president or any two officers upon notification to all members five days prior to the meeting. Section 5. A quorum shall be 25% of the members.
ARTICLE IVSection 1. The Chapter Officers shall be the administrative body of the Chapter and shall also perform such functions and duties as ordered by the Chapter. Section 2. Any vacancies shall be filled by the officers for the unexpired term. Section 3. The Chapter Officers shall hold meetings as they deem necessary, as the President or any two officers may at any time call a meeting. Section 4. A majority of the officers shall constitute a quorum to hold a meeting on any specific question. Absent officers may mail their vote in to the Chapter Secretary prior to the meeting date or call their vote in by phone/computer during the meeting.
ARTICLE V – OFFICERSSection 1. The officers of the Chapter are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Wagon Master. They shall perform the duties that usually pertain to these respective offices. They shall be elected by the Chapter members each year at the annual meeting, and shall hold office for one (1) year, with a term limit of four (4) years. After serving 4 years in the same position, the individual must stay out of that office for at least one year before they can be eligible for the same office again. Section 2. The Treasurer’s report shall be filed for audit at each meeting, and an audit by two non-officer chapter members appointed by the president shall audit the reports and financial records in January of each year. ARTICLE VI – THE BOARD
The board consists of the elected officers, the past President, and two elected directors.
Section 1. The nominating committee shall consist of three or more volunteer non-officer members in September. If less than three members volunteer, the President shall appoint the remaining members to the committee. The Chairman of the nominating committee shall present the proposed slate of officers at the next meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. Election of officers will take place at the November/December annual meeting. Officers will assume their duties as of the following January 1. Section 2. Other committees may be appointed by the President and shall act for the duration of their assigned task. ARTICLE VIII – FINANCESSection 1. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year. Section 2. All funds of the chapter shall be deposited in the Chapter’s bank account. |
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